Friday, November 16, 2012

What We Had For Breakfast & Random Thoughts

I haven't done much in the way of cooking this week, other than making sure we're eating three meals a day and trying to pull off a nice dinner. Breakfasts and lunches have been ... random. All that to say, I hope to get a lot of cooking done this weekend so we're no longer having to resort to finger foods (aka random stuff in the fridge) for lunch unless that's just what we want. I made a fresh batch of tortillas last night, and hopefully today or tomorrow I can turn the 5 lb bag of potatoes into ranch potato wedges and the 12 lbs of apples into applesauce. Oh, and I last minute declared that Friday shall be Laundry Day this week. Did I mention my husband is at a conference today and tomorrow? He will be home for dinner tonight, but he is leaving at the crack of dawn tomorrow. Why have I  decided to tackle big projects when he won't be around to help me? I don't have a good answer to this.

But anyway, I got on the ball and cooked breakfast this morning, specifically this baked oatmeal recipe. I made it as called for but baked it in an 8x8 Pyrex dish instead of muffin cups. Toppings were chunks of apples and dried cranberries on one half, and chocolate chips on the other half. One guess if you know me even a little at which side was my topping of choice. I'm living up the days when I can eat chocolate for breakfast without my child knowing.

We have been singing The Lord Is King with Bram every night for the last week or so. We generally have been choosing one hymn from the Sunday morning service at our church to sing as a family every night. They end up ministering more to me probably than anyone else. I'm thankful that the LORD raises up saints that know biblical truths, know the English language well, and can winsomely set these truths to music (and even make lines rhyme and such things..what?!). I am amazed at the creative ability of the  musician/songwriter. All that to say, here's our fam's newest favorite hymn. I specifically have been encouraged by The Lord is King! who then shall dare resist his will distrust his care? Or murmur at his wise decrees, or doubt his royal promises? and Come, make your wants, your burdens known. Christ will present them at the throne. For he is at the Father's side, the man of love, the Crucified. The truth that God in his very nature is so trustworthy. And he is ruling and reigning as King over all the heavens and the earth and time and space. Why would I not cast myself before him in prayer more often than I do? For he is sovereign, and he is good. He is the Crucified One, who died so that I may live joyfully in him forever. Who is more trustworthy than that?

The Lord is King! lift up your voice!
Let earth and all the heavens rejoice.
From world to world the joy shall ring,
'The Lord omnipotent is King!'

The Lord is King! who then shall dare
resist his will, distrust his care,
or murmur at his wise decrees,
or doubt his royal promises?

The Lord is King! child of the dust,
the judge of all the earth is just;
holy and true are all his ways:
let every creature speak his praise.

Come, make your wants, your burdens known;
Christ will present them at the throne;
for he is at the Father's side,
the Man of Love, the Crucified.

One Lord, one empire, all secures;

he reigns, and life and death are yours;
through earth and heaven one song shall ring,
'The Lord omnipotent is King!'

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