Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Aunt Sarah in D.C. (Year 2)

Wow, we had a great week hosting Jon's sister Sarah. She flew in from Louisville just to hang out with us. During her stay we saw a bunch of other friends, too - the fact that Sarah is beloved by nearly all who know her made our house a popular hangout this weekend. We especially had fun seeing the Dewberrys (or is it Dewberries? ;)) who drove down from Philadelphia. Sarah also kept Bram overnight one night and Jon and I stayed in a hotel in a nearby city. We thoroughly enjoyed the 24 hours kid-free by going to dinner, seeing a movie, having a leisurely breakfast out, touring the Smithsonian's Museum of American History, seeing the WWII Memorial, and grocery shopping. Other highlights from Sarah's stay include: eating her cookies, seeing how fast she does dishes, laughing at Bram's constant request for Sarah to take him out to the basketball court (our deck with the Little Tykes goal), and lots of good adult conversations. We are already hoping to reserve her for a week next summer. Love you, Sarah!

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