Wednesday, May 1, 2013


The little guy and I headed to Target yesterday to pick up several things and also to get out of the house. My sinking suspicion is that I do not have mono (or any other virus) but I am reacting to mold that is somewhere in the attic (I have not gotten lab tests back to rule out mono for sure, but it's just an educated guess). So, all the more reason to get out of the house, if it's the house that's making me sick!

We shopped, we paid, we were wheeling away from the cashier when I happened to look at that little coupon that printed out after my receipt. It was for some Seventh Generation product. Seventh Generation!, I think to myself. I wheel back into the store proper. That little coupon (and God's providence) reminded me that we were out of Seventh Generation detergent. Another purchase and a few minutes later we were walking to the car.

Fast forward to the afternoon. Little one took a good nap, and woke up happily chatting to himself in his crib. I wait a few minutes for it to turn to crying, and it does. Something sounds off. I go in to get him and he's throwing up! This happened twice more before bedtime but hasn't happened since. (I'm knocking on the wood frame of the futon I'm sitting on.)

All that to say, I had several unexpected loads of clothes and towels to wash last night. I'm so glad I was reminded to get detergent before I left Target. Little mercies, everyone! God's kindness to our little family.

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